When it comes to making a buck on the internet it seems that everyone has a solution, although few of them seem to work. But if you’re looking to capitalize on one of the most powerful cash earning enterprises on the internet that is actually making plenty of people money, you should check out domaining.
Investing in registered or expired domains can increase the visibility of your Website and help direct traffic that will convert to sales. However, with over 60 million domains currently registered, it can be daunting to try to find the right domain — one that will drive quality traffic to your Website or parked domain.
Domaining is a lot like stock investing, the very best in the field have moved beyond basic strategies and have developed their own specific formulas for success. But just as with stocks, to obtain the skills necessary to reach that advanced stage, beginners must first understand the fundamentals of strategic domain buying.
How does a domainer make money? They rely on the 15% of web users who don’t use search engines but instead just type in a web address. A good domain name can make hundreds, even thousands of dollars per day for its owner. For example, Cellphones.com makes an average of $1,300 a day just from people typing in the URL. The money comes from park domain PPC services like Google AdSense for domains. Google doesn’t advertise their domain service much because domainers seem to operate in some kind of shadowy world.
Domains in few high paying niches can even have $20 eCPM from Adsense. Recently domain costs specially old domain value has increased rapidly. Its getting tough to increase domain name portfolio but smart people are always finding there way out.
Thanks bro for this informative post.
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Imran Hamidi
NameDrive: One of the best parking site Does not require approval. You can sign up and start parking today. Park and sell your domain names through NameDrive’s NDX marketplace. Allows all extensions including .in and .es names. NameDrive is one of the few parking companies that allows IDN names or internationalized domain names.
Approval: No approval or minimum number of domain names required. You can sign up and start making money right away.
Example below of Parking Page for NameDrive.